Frequently Asked Questions

What is your accuracy modeling from point cloud?

  • Accuracy is dependent upon the data collection.  Keep in mind that the Revo is marketed as 1" Accuracy.  Although I have proven in field testing that under the correct circumstances and good field practices you can get well below sub 1" accuracy.  However it is always dependent on the model also.

    1. The plumb or level or the building.  

    2. Modeling is performed in 3 ways.  - The more dumb down of the data the less accurate the information becomes.  Essentially modeling is removing points to place field data into a format that the design world uses.  I.e. The design world is always straight, flat, and perfect, the real world is not.

      • Best Fit - This is what 95% of the data is provide as. - Industry Standard Approach.

      • End to End - Some data will be provided this way. - Industry Standard Approach.

      • Segmented - This option is very burdensome, not cost effective and is very rarely done. - Not an Industry Standard Approach.

  • Will you be able to tie in survey grade coordinates to the point cloud and then the model?

    • Yes we can tie into survey grade coordinates with correct monumentation.

  • Is it better to scan in spheres or paper targets to help georeference the point cloud?

    • Spheres in an scanning is the best practice.

  • What is your time frame of completion once you received the data?

    • Time frame is dependent upon LOD and SF.  We have a team of guys how are available to get it done.  Typically, LOD 100 for a 2000 sf home is 2 days

  • Please explain your interpretation difference between LOD100 and LOD200 from an Architectural design?

    • Technically LOD100 is a very low level of data and LOD200 has a significant jump of information.  LOD100 is generic shapes and does not even specify what the shape are.  LOD200 is more information in regards to complex shapes, sizes and information.  We provide an in between solution which is based upon the field data collected and use best fit standard unit sizes when reasonable and we will create additional generic unit sizes based upon unusual sizes.  The model you receive will be in Revit and have doors, walls, windows, ceilings, floors, openings, stairs.  E.g.  In Revit we will model the stairs as a best fit option.  We account for all the risers and treads.  However, many times once modeled from top to bottom, VV, the in between risers and treads are slightly different than reality due to the fact that reality is not perfect and the design world is perfect.

  • What is the rental cost of the Revo-RT unit?

    • Rental Costs are based upon what service you are requesting.  We have a number of services including just rental.  If you are looking to do the work yourself, then the day rental with a dongle is $975.00.  If you are looking to capture data and have SceneLens post process and model.  The rental is including in the per square foot pricing.

  • Shipping Cost and Rider insurance cost?

    • Shipping cost is dependent upon distance shipped.  Our shipping address is 900 Hollywood Circle Williamsport Pa 17701.  For Planning purposes you should plan on calculating for overnight shipping early morning delivery.  The more projects you can line up at the time of use will decrease the cost of shipping per project.  Furthermore, we are expanding and will have more shipping locations which will curb the costs of shipping in the future.  We are working on the rider insurance issue with our provider.  Currently, you will need to list the equipment under your policy and SceneLens as co insured.  We believe this will be ironed out here in the next month and I will be able to give you a solid price at that time.

  • When does the clock start ticking for the rental period starts?

    • Rental period starts at time of shipping and time it is received.

  • How long will (1) full charged battery work for? Is there an extra battery to swap out? 

    • A battery will last approximately 6 hours and yes there is an extra battery.

  • How long is the charging time to fully charge the unit?

    • Charging time is approximately 2 hours

  • Is the Training charge ($2000.00) include the rental of the scanning unit?

    • The unit price is included in the training.

  • Does your training charge include your travel and hotel expenses?

    • Yes training includes travel via automobile and hotel/lodging expenses to an approved SceneLens training location.

  • Can you accommodate the following.

  • Require floor plan views 2D and 2D elevations as DWGs.

    • Yes, within reason

  • Require minimum Revit 2017 and newer 3D model with unified point cloud for QA/QC of model.

    • Yes

  • Provide a colored imagery viewer of corresponding point cloud model.

    • Imagery viewing is provided based upon if the field technician captures imagery.  Imagery is viewable via MPG.

  • Projects that are 3,000 sq.ft.  in Architectural in nature that require quick turnaround (2 day delivery) for design development and the model would consist of generalized systems or assemblies with approximate size , shape, location and orientation. Using Generic Revit families to represent walls, windows, doors, floors, ceilings steps, columns, stairs, roofs, openings and other potential misc. information will be used to create the model.  Do not require metadata on materials/specification being used.

    • Yes our process for these types of projects is very quick and 2 days is achievable from time of data upload.

  • If acquiring control point in point cloud will require controls to be modeled.

    • As long as the controls are spheres, this should not be a problem.